Research on the model of curb parking planning based on minimum generalized cost.

Yu-Long, P. & Zhong-Liang, Y.

Curb parking is an important part of a city's parking facilities, but it has lots of problems to be dealt with, especially in a City Center Area (CCA). Therefore, it is necessary to control the scale of the curb parking in traffic planning. The experimental method is adopted in China to decide the urban parking structure by analogy with the mature parking structure proportion of the Occident and Japan, but the results obtained by this method are often not in accordance with the facts of the domestic city because it lacks scientific grounds. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of curb parking, two functions of generalized cost are presented, namely the function F(lambda) of generalized cost of the parker's trip, and the function G(lambda) of generalized cost caused by the effects of curb parking on dynamic traffic. If a car which aims to park near its destination cannot park on a curb, the car needs to detour to an off-street parking lot. The loss and inconvenience caused by a detouring course will increase the trip cost. The increased trip cost is denoted using the generalized cost function F(lambda). In the four effects of curb parking on dynamic traffic, the fall of capacity is considered the main cause for the lengthening of travel time and the augmenting of trip cost. The increased trip cost is denoted using the generalized cost function G(lambda). Starting from the viewpoint of minimum generalized cost, an optimal model of curb parking planning in a CCA based on minimum generalized cost is put forward for the basis of considering the whole benefits of the traffic system synthetically. Using this model one can determine a reasonable scale of curb parking to optimize the benefits of the traffic system in the CCA. For the covering abstract see ITRD E120462.

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C 28728 (In: C 28674) /72 / ITRD E120516

In: Urban transport IX : urban transport and the environment in the 21st century : proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century, Crete, Greece, 10 - 12 March 2003, p. 547-554, 9 ref.

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