Responses of the human cervical spine to torsion.

Myers, B.S. McElhaney, J.H. Doherty, B.J.

The passive torsional responses of the human cervical spine were investigated using unembalmed cervical spines in a dynamic test environment. Kinematic constraints were designed to simulate in vivo conditions. A physiologic axis of twist was determined based on a minimum energy hypothesis. Six- axis load cells completely described the resultant forces. Results include viscoelastic responses, moment- angle curves, and piece- wise linear stiffness.

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B 29814 (In: B 29801 [electronic version only]) /84 / IRRD 829252

In: Proceedings of the 33rd Stapp Car Crash Conference, Washington, D.C., October 4- 6, 1989, p.215- 222, 25 ref. SAE Paper No. 892437.

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