Restraining traffic : a study of some possible methods

Goode, A.P.

The paper summarizes the results of a recently completed study which considered how several alternative restraint systems might be applied in a particular city, and what might be the effect of some of the following headings: Traffic benefits in terms of journey speed improvements, minimisation of bottlenecks, and time and resources savings; Effects on business activity and land use; Legislative implications; and The Practical problems and costs of implementation.

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B 14576 (In: B 14570) /10/72/93/ IRRD 220766

In: Traffic and environmental management : proceedings of the Seminar on Traffic and Environmental Management, PTRC Summer Annual Meeting, University of Warwick, July 8-11, 1975, p. 51-67, 1 graph., 1 tab., 3 ref.

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