Retrofitting of flyovers along major thoroughfares in metro Manila.

Lazaro, A. TUANO Fabro, A. & Rapirap, R.

The retrofitting of flyovers along major thoroughfares in Metro Manila was carried out by Angel Lazaro and Associates, Consulting Engineers and Architects, as part of the Sixth ADB Highway Project, Bridge Retrofitting Component, of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) of the Philippines. The retrofitting works were implemented between 1994 up to the present. The Bridge Retrofitting Component included the design and construction of a total of 174 bridges located in various parts of the country, many of which are standard rural highway bridges. T his paper describes the retrofitting process applied to the eleven major structures in Metro Manila comprising the project. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214938.

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C 46624 (In: C 46558 CD-ROM) /21 /24 / ITRD E214967

In: On the road to the future : 12th REAAA conference, Philippines, 2006 technical papers, Philippine International Convention Center (PICC), Manila, November 20-24, 2006, 28 p.

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