A review of accidents and injuries to road transport drivers.

Copsey, S.

This review presents reports of work-related road transport accidents, near misses, and other effects relating to ill health that give details concerning the causes and effects of the accidents. The main focus of the report is on road transport activities that take place on the public highway; however light deliveries are included, as well as buses and taxis. The overall aim is to present ‘lessons’ suitable for the non-OSH expert. The emphasis is on accident and injury resulting from occupational risks in the road transport sector that should have been prevented or controlled, not road accidents of a general nature. (Author/publisher)

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20110891 ST [electronic version only]

Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union / Bilbao, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work EU-OSHA, 2010, 59 p., 99 ref.; Working Environment Information Literature Review / Catalogue number TE-WE-10-004-EN-N - ISSN 1831-9351 / ISBN 978-92-9191-355-8

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