Review and enhancement of vehicle operating cost models : assessment of non urban evaluation models.

Thoresen, T. & Roper, R.

The work reported here arose from AUSTROADS Project BS.3A.40, which found substantial variations between road user cost estimates generated by road evaluation models used by Australian transport agencies for evaluation of new projects and asset management purposes. A program of work was undertaken to rectify this deficiency the focus of which was restricted to non urban models and roads with sealed surfaces. This report summarises the major modifications and recommendations arising from this work. The specific aims of the project were to (i) determine the causes of variations in estimates of vehicle operating costs (VOC), (ii) harmonise estimation algorithms so that different models generated similar outcomes, and (iii) improve model algorithms to ensure that estimates were consistent with current vehicle types, driver behaviour, technology and operating conditions. Vehicle operating cost components considered included fuel, tyres, repairs and maintenance, depreciation, and return on capital. Vehicle speeds predicted by models were also considered as these effect most VOC components. Travel time savings and accident costs were not considered. (A)

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C 12174 [electronic version only] /96 / IRRD 868533

Vermont South, Vic., ARRB Transport Research Ltd., 1996, 67 p., 30 ref.; Research Report ; ARR 279 - ISSN 0518-0728 / ISBN 0-86910-696-1

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