A review of approaches for assessing multimodal quality of service.

Phillips, R.C. & Guttenplan, M.

Prompted by a need to respond to increasing traffic congestion, national, state, and local organizations have called for increased multimodal planning. This changing focus has added more complexity, data needs, and desire for supportive analytical tools to the transportation planning process overall. Multimodal performance methodologies are needed that can be readily applied, This article provides an analysis of existing methodologies to assess quality of service and related concerns for pedestrian, bicycle, and transit modes. It explores the methodologies in the context of supply-side considerations and provides considerations and provides considerations for their use. By placing transit-level service in line with pedestrian and bicycle, it brings all the modes together, making management easier.

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I E828898 /72 / ITRD E828898

Journal of Public Transportation. 2003. 6(4) pp67-87 (Refs.)

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