Review of experiences and transportation strategies for the urban poor in Nairobi, Kenya.

Jobson, N.

This paper focuses on the importance of adopting urban mobility policies and strategies with particular needs of the urban poor in the capital city of Kenya, Nairobi. Sixty (60) % of the city's population (about 3.8 million) live in over 100 informal settlements with inadequate infrastructure services. The paper examines the key development challenges in the transportation sector in terms of rapid urbanisation amidst dwindling resources, inadequate basic infrastructure services, poor or no maintenance of existing network and other development bottlenecks. The paper also discusses the effectiveness of the strategies used in reaching the majority poor in Nairobi in terms of poverty reduction and improved standards of living. The key factors considered here include land-use planning, access to employment, education and health services. Some questions arising are: What cost-reductions are entailed by the poor in time and money spent on journey-to-work, reaching output markets, health services and other amenities? Are the infrastructure services adequate, efficiently provided or sustainable? The experiences of Nairobi City Council, a local authority in the implementation of three World Bank - Kenya Government Funded Projects, namely Kenya Urban Transportation and Infrastructure Project 1994-1999, El Nino Rehabilitation Project 1999 to 2002, and DFID funded Nairobi Urban Poverty Partnership Project 2002-2004, are outlined. The lessons learnt are particularly interesting in terms of urban mobility and urban management policies. In addition, the major bottlenecks hindering provision of infrastructure services are outlined. The key ones, among others, are mismanagement, non maintenance of existing services, lack of integration and minimum participation by the community, especially the informal sector in the formulation and implementation of urban mobility policies and projects. In conclusion, recommendations to resolve contemporary transportation problems are highlighted as well as the necessary reforms in priority areas, the ultimate goal being good governance, namely efficiency, transparency, competitive markets and sustenance of the transportation sector in the urban fabric for the benefit of all. For the covering abstract see ITRD E116619.

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C 25669 (In: C 25667) /10 /72 / ITRD E116621

In: Urban mobility for all : proceedings of the 10th international CODATU conference, held in Lomé, Togo, 12-15 November 2002, p. 9-12, 9 ref.

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