Review of fatigue/distraction detection technology.


Driver fatigue and distraction are still significant factors in heavy vehicle crashes. Recent industry data suggests that one in ten heavy vehicle crashes results from heavy vehicle driver fatigue. While minimum rest and maximum work limits are the primary protection against heavy vehicle driver fatigue - and have successfully lowered this rate - innovative approaches are needed to drive future improvements. Driver fatigue and distraction detection technology - involving a range of electronic systems - is becoming increasingly common in the heavy vehicle industry. The NHVR is undertaking a Fatigue Monitoring Trial across five phases to gain a greater understanding of the characteristics, performance and utilisation of a range of fatigue safety related technologies. This document summarises the Phase 1 research component of the trial. (Author/publisher)

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20210512 ST [electronic version only]

[Fortitude valley, QLD, Australia], National Heavy Vehicle Regulator NHVR, 2019, 2 p.

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