A review of national transport strategies across developed countries in Europe and elsewhere.

Atkins and Mclean Hazel

The publication of the Transport White Paper ‘Scotland’s Transport Future’ in June 2004 announced a number of changes to the structure of Scottish transport and set out plans to transform transport delivery in Scotland. This included the development of Regional and National Transport Strategies (NTSs) to ensure investment is planned and deployed effectively. In December 2004 the Scottish Executive commissioned Atkins and McLean Hazel to undertake research to help identify good practice in NTSs across developed countries in Europe and elsewhere enabling Scottish transport policy makers to learn from established NTSs. A number of countries were initially identified based on knowledge of well established transport policies with reputations for good practice and geographically similarities to Scotland. These countries were scored according to their key characteristics and, through a final assessment of geographical spread of case study countries and lapsed time of the National Transport Strategy (NTS), a final selection of six ‘case study’ countries was established. A review of each of the six case study NTSs concentrated on the following key aspects: . Strategy context; . Problems and issues the strategy seeks to address; . Policy overview and objectives; . Detailed policy and strategy elements; . Strategy consultation and appraisal; . Implementation of the strategy components; and . Monitoring of the strategy. (Author/publisher)

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20060340 ST [electronic version only]

Edinburgh, Scottish Executive, Central Research Unit (CRU), Transport Research Planning Group, 2006, VII + 34 p., 8 ref.; Transport Research Series - ISSN 0950 2254 / ISBN 0-7559-2938-1

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