Review of progress towards the 2010 casualty reduction targets.

Statham, D.

This article shows progress towards the UK Government's causalty reduction targets for Great Britain and reviews the main trends in road casualties in 2003 compared with earlier years. Compared with the 1994-8 average, the number of people killed or seriously injured in 2003 was 22% lower, the number of children killed or seriously injured was 40% lower, the slight casualty rate was 16% lower, the number of pedestrians killed or seriously injured was 8% lower and the number of cyclists killed or seriously injured was 35% lower. The totall cost-benefit value of prevention of road accidents in 2003 was estimated to be £18094 million, of which £13083 million is attirbutable to personal injury accidents. Accidents on roads in built-up areas were less severe than those on other roads and accounted for less than half the value on non built-up roads. The overall motor insurance claim rate decreased by 5% in 2002 but all risk groups saw rises in the average claim amount.

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C 30193 (In: C 30192) /81 /80 / ITRD E122137

In: Road Casualties Great Britain 2003 : annual report, p. 7-23

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