Review of regional transport strategies in the UK.


In March 2005, Atkins was appointed by the Scottish Executive to undertake a review of Regional Transport Strategies (RTSs) in the UK, in order to inform the draft Guidance for Scottish RTSs which is currently being prepared by the Scottish Executive. Specific tasks included: . Critically assess the four RTSs which have recently been prepared by the four voluntary Regional Transport Partnerships (RTPs) in Scotland; . Analyse and assess RTSs from England and Wales, identifying good practice; and . Provide comments, ideas and guidance to the RTPs responsible for the preparation of statutory RTSs in Scotland. All strategies were assessed against a common template, which covered the following issues relating to the content of the RTS and the process of producing an RTS: Background Context, Problems and Issues, Vision and Objectives, Policy and Strategy Content / Approach, Implementation, Targets and Monitoring, Preparation Time and Resources, Consultation, Performance Management (Author/publisher)

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20060341 ST [electronic version only]

Edinburgh, Scottish Executive, Central Research Unit (CRU), Transport Research Planning Group, 2006, X + [66] p.; Transport Research Series - ISSN 0950 2254 / ISBN 0-7559-2937-3

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