Revision of Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice. Part 8: Traffic control devices.

Veith, G.

The Austroads Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice is comprised of 15 parts and provides a comprehensive coverage of traffic management and road safety subjects including traffic surveys, analysis, intersection design, treatment of crash locations, pedestrians, bicycles and motorcyclist safety. This edition of Part 8: Traffic Control Devices updates the previous edition published in 1988. It provides guidance to assist traffic engineers and road designers to implement safe and effective road signs and markings schemes. It is expected, however, that readers will also refer to the relevant Australian Standards. Part 8 includes guidance on the design of sign faces, location and placement of signs, use of variable message signs and types of messages, sign posts and structures, and pavement markings. (Author/publisher)

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20061743 ST [electronic version only]

Sydney, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2006, VII + 153 p., 95 ref.; AUSTROADS Technical Report AP-T47/06 - ISBN 1-921139-43-9

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