Richtlijn ontruimingstijden verkeersregelinstallaties.

CROW-werkgroep Ontruimingstijden

Clearance times necessary for clearing junctions, are an important safety factor in the functioning of traffic control systems. Therefore it is crucial that the correct clearance times are programmed. The aim of the guideline is to provide highways authorities with an aid when calculating clearance times and also to assist in weighing up the factors of capacity against safety for intersections where traffic control systems are applied. A second aim is that the guideline may serve as a yardstick for the degree of care taken by the highways authority in disputes where accidents have occurred. [This publication has been updated by CROW Publication No. 321, March 2013]

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C 30315 S /73 / IRRD E201234

Ede, Stichting Centrum voor Regelgeving en Onderzoek in de Grond-, Water- en Wegenbouw en de Verkeerstechniek C.R.O.W, 1996, 32 p., 3 ref.; Publikatie ; No. 111 - ISBN 90-6628-236-3

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