Ridership demand analysis for Palestinian intercity public transport.

Al-Sahili, K.A. & Sadeq, A.H.

This article presents results of research to study the intercity bus ridership demand, assess existing services, and form a basis to predict future ridership in the Palestinian territories. This study is the first of its type in the area. The study results can be used to evaluate existing public transportation and forecast future intercity public transportation demand. Decision makers can use the results to improve intercity public transport services and attract more riders. Future research should be based on this simple model, include the impact of other modes on intercity demand, include all governorates of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and establis a comprehensive nationwide model.

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I E826820 /72 / IRRD E826820

Journal of Public Transportation. 2003. 6(2) pp19-35 (4 Fig., 4 Tab., Refs.)

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