Rijden onder invloed : een studie van de literatuur. Artikel aangeboden aan het Algemeen Politieblad, Vol. 126 (1977), No. 16.

Noordzij, P.C.

The paper comprises a study of scientific literature on research carried out in different countries on the use and hazards of alcohol and traffic and on activities which are carried out to decrease these. The literature review was necessary to test the applicability of activities undertaken in the Netherlands to experiences in other countries. Only research is discussed the subject matter of which relates to actual road users, whether or not based on official records. With some exceptions, the research discussed concerns motor-vehicle, especially private-car, drivers. Hardly any statistics exist concerning other road users. This is unfortunate, especially in the Netherlands with its high rates of pedestrian, cyclist and moped fatalities. This publication is available in a Dutch and in an English version. (There is an English translation; see SWOV library No. B 12036).


B 14960 [electronic version only] /83 /

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 17 p., 21 ref.; R-77-5


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