Rijden onder invloed en criminele politiek.

Ooijen, D. van

A profile of the drunken driver can be made from the literature, 95% is male, the average age is 35, 12% is divorced, 60% has made offences, 33% is recidivist, 20% mixed drugs and alcohol. In the Netherlands there are 3 levels of prevention. On none of these 3 levels is any improvement in practice, only in theory. It is stated that no driving licence should be given to young drivers when they are already convicted for some alcohol-delinquencies.

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B 15271 (In: B 15269) / 73.3 / 83.4 / IRRD 242951

In: Alcohol, medicijnen en verkeer : inleidingen uitgesproken tijdens de verenigingsdag van Veilig Verkeer Nederland in cultureel centrum "Orpheus" te Apeldoorn op 24 mei 1978, p. 7-23, 3 tab., 33 ref.

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