Rijgeschiktheid van mensen met diabetes mellitus : een advies van de Gezondheidsraad. [Fitness to drive in people with diabetes mellitus; a recommendation from the Health Council of The Netherlands.]

Mazel, J.A.

The Health Council of the Netherlands published a medical fitness-to-drive recommendation in December 2002 for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. This applies to all types of driver's licenses. General restrictions for people suffering from diabetes mellitus cannot be applied. For diabetes patients receiving treatment with drugs that can cause hypoglycaemia, a limited period of validity of their driver's license is enforced. The report provides guidelines for required ophthalmologic, cardiovascular and neurological examinations by a specialist. People suffering from diabetes are personally responsible for reporting any changes in their medical condition. (Author/publisher)

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C 25124 [electronic version only]

Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, Vol. 147 (2003), No. 12 (22 maart), p. 537-538, 1 ref.

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