Rijksweg nr. 8 (Coentunnelweg) : gedeelte Amsterdam-Koog aan de Zaan opengesteld.


The first phase of the construction of the Coentunnel road North of Amsterdam was recently completed. The new road section forms part of the connection between the Ringweg around Amsterdam and National motorway nr. 9 near Heemskerk, the total length being 16 km. Further more, the significance of this road for traffic, the earth works carried out and the engineering works forming part of the plan are taken into consideration. Special attention is paid to the bridge over the river Zaan. A summing up of the cost shows that a section of 7.5. kms of the Coentunnel road and a branch road, 2.5 kms long, to the Wijde Wormer cost about 9 million guilders per km.

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A 3911 T

Spectator van Waterstaatwerken, Vol. 10 (1969), No. 3 (maart), p. 11-25.

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