Rijsnelheden op 80 en 100 km/uur-wegen : verslag van landelijk representatieve snelheidsmetingen voor het project Monitoring rijsnelheden op 80 en 100 km/uur-wegen, Fase 3.

Oei, H.-l. & Mulder, J.A.G.

The former Dienst Verkeerskunde (DVK) of Rijkswaterstaat commissioned the SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research to carry out speed measurements on 80 and 100 km/h roads in the twelve provinces of the Netherlands. These measurements performed in 1992 were representative on a national level, and indicative on the regional level. The measurement results confirm the findings obtained from previous studies. The driving speeds are high, and the percentage of offenders is measured at between 20 and 56%. The standard deviation is also fairly high. The excess speed percentages on the 80 km/h roads are high, and are greater for cars than for lorries. On the 100 km/h roads, the percentages measured for lorries are greater than for cars. Great speed differences were found between the various provinces. It can be concluded that the speeding problem for cars and lorries on non-motorways outside built-up areas is great. The speed measured on the narrow one-lane rural roads is low, but can still be regarded as relatively high. A great difference between the speed of cars and lorries is noted. Periodic monitoring of driving speeds represents an important tool for road safety policy on both national and regional level. See also C 7530 a+b (IRRD 890084) and C 3513 (IRRD 873020).


C 1976 [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD 860653

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1993, 25 + 71 p., 6 ref.; R-93-29


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