Rijsnelheden op 80 km/uur-wegen in Nederland II : verslag van snelheidsmetingen in twaalf geografisch gespreide gebieden in Nederland.

Oei, H.-l. & Pol, W.H.M. van de

An account is given of radar measurements of driving speeds on 80 km/h roads carried out in twelve areas in the Netherlands, in October 1990. The most important results of these measurements are as follows: : (1) The average speed on 80 km/h roads in the twelve regions appeared to be 77 km/h; (2) The speed limit was exceeded by more than one third of the vehicles; (3) 15% of the vehicles drove faster than 91 km/h; (4) Great regional differences in driving speeds were found according to type of road; and (5) a considerable reduction in accident rate can be expected by lowering the 85th percentile speed to 80 km/h, assuming that Nilsson's formula can be applied to the Dutch situation. An elaboration of a design for a rural system of measuring speed is recommended (See also IRRD 859310 and 859311).


C 1566 [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD 859309

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1991, 151 p., 5 ref.; R-91-24


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