Rijsporen en golven in het wegdek : invloed van wegdekschade op de verkeersveiligheid bij natte wegdekken.

Tromp, J.P.

The relationship between surface damage ( the presence of ruts and undulations) and traffic safety is discussed. The characteristics of the road and the road surface may not show unsuspected changes for a controlled and safe traffic. The presence of ruts in the combination with waterlays can easily led to aquaplaning. Presence of waves can lend to a not well perceived contact tyre /road. A mathematical model is developed to determinate if the thickness of the waterlay by which almost no aqua.


B 26744 [electronic version only] /23 / IRRD 813111

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1987, 43 p. + app., 12 graph., 7 tab., 20 ref.; R-87-25


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