The rise and decline of public transport in New Zealand and some lessons for its recovery.

Dravitzki, V. & Lester, T.

In this paper we look to New Zealand's past to identify the circumstances in which public transport was a success. While the paper draws on historical data the paper is not intended as a comprehensive history of public transport in New Zealand. The rise and decline of public transport in New Zealand illustrates a number of issues that are of relevance today: 1. the balance between modes is more than simply one of "car travel" and "alternate modes"; 2. there are subtle but significant differences between the different forms of public transport; 3. the relationship between form of energy and resultant infrastructure; 4. the role of rapid transit in metropolitan travel; 5. the problems of fragmented governance; 6. the importance of the social/recreational journey in travel mode choice. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214666.

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C 39275 (In: C 39229) [electronic version only] /72 / ITRD E214712

In: ATRF06 : conference proceedings 29th Australasian Transport Research Forum, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, September 2006, 15 p.

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