Risikoakzeptanz. Mensch und Technik im Strassenverkehr. 5.GfS- Seminar, 12. und 13. April 1984, Ingolstadt. Forum bei der AUDI- NSU AUTO UNION AG.

Undeutsch, H. (Editor).

A conference was held on the theory of risk homeostasis and risk acceptance. In the first part the psychological side of risk acceptance is described and the homeostasis theory of Wilde is discussed. In the second part risk acceptance is considered from the point of view of vehicle technique, road construction and legislation.

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B 30191 /83 /

Wuppertal, Gesellschaft für Sicherheitswissenschaft / Bergische Universität- Gesamthochschule, 1984, 188 p., 150 ref. Sicherheitswissenschaftliche Monographien, Band 6.

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