Risk and preventive factors for fatalities in All-terrain Vehicle Accidents in New Zealand.

Shulruf, B. & Balemi, A.

All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) have been used in agriculture for a few decades now. Yet despite their invaluable contribution to the productivity of the agricultural industry they are associated with a large number of accidents, many of which result in a severe or fatal outcome. The main objectiveof this study was to identify the risk factors for ATV-related fatal injuries in order to support the design of effective interventions. Using dataheld by the Department of Labour, the current study analysed 355 cases ofserious harm accidents associated with ATVs including 45 fatalities. The findings suggest that injuries are more likely to occur when accidents involve any of the following: children under the age of 10; four-wheel drive ATVs; driving downhill; driving on a sealed road; driving backwards; or ifthe ATV rolls sideways. A fatal outcome is more likely to occur when ATV accidents end up with the vehicle rolling over and pinning the driver underneath. Fatalities were also associated with injuries to the head, neck and chest. Being employed; and/or having formal training; and/or having brakes and tyres well maintained on the ATV; and/or having no fluid load on the ATV reduced the risk for fatality. Since the likelihood of a fatal outcome was found to be related to human behaviour and ATV rollover, it is suggested that interventions should mainly address these two issues. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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I E145192 /80 /91 / ITRD E145192

Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2010 /03. 42(2) Pp612-618 (27 Refs.)

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