Risk assessment /Vulnerability validation study. Vol. 2. Appendices: 11 individual studies. Phase III. Final report.

Russell, E.R. Brungardt, W. & Hessel-Garten, B.

A manual was written for communities with populations less than 50. 000. Its primary objective is to alert officials of these communities of the threat to life, property and environment from the transportation of hazardous materials. The manual is a step by step "bow to" manual, aimed at local official who may have neither understanding nor awareness of hazardous materials, issues and problems. The testing of the model in 11 communities is described.

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B 26325 /72.9 /

Manhattan, KS., Kansas State University /Civil Engineering Department, 1983, 288 p., fig., tab. DOT /OST /P-34 /86-042.

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