Risk exposure data : recommendations for collection and exploitation. SafetyNet, Building the European Road Safety Observatory, Workpackage 2, Deliverable 2.5.

Duchamp, G. Treny, V. Hemdorff, S. Haddak, M. Holló, P. Cardoso, J. Papadimitriou, E. Yannis, G. Chaziris, A. Bijleveld, F. Bjørnskau, T. & Leiner, T.

The present deliverable, as the last of work package 2 of SafetyNet dealing with risk exposure data, is the conclusion of four years work. In the light of the progress made from the State of the art to the common framework, including the practical case of the pilot study, its aim is to give recommendations and guidelines to collect and use risk exposure data. The potential users of this guide represent a large group; policy makers at EU and national level, statisticians and experts as well as other stakeholders in the field. To achieve the aims, these recommendations on data collection and use will be structured in two parts. In the first one, general recommendations will be given; these will be distinguished two steps: one concerning the data already available, for which recommendations will suggest what to do in order to harmonize data and collection methods; and one exploring the way of obtaining new data. In a second part, more specific recommendations will be given, for each exposure indicator selected since the state of the art report: population; driver population; vehicle fleet; road length; vehicle-kilometres; and the three traffic and mobility exposure indicators; person-kilometres, number of trips and time in traffic. (Author/publisher)

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20090802 ST [electronic version only]

[S.l.], European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO) / Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport, 2008, 35 p.; Contract Number TREN-04-FP6TR-S12.395465/506723


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