Risk factors and automobile collisions : age, sex and circumstances.

Chipman, M.L.

To investigate the effects of age, type of road and time of day on the risks of collision among drivers living in Metropolitan Toronto, age-specific rates of collision per million miles were calculated for each sex and several levels of demerit points, based on the records of drivers in 1978. For comparisons between sexes, ages or demerit point levels, the only significant difference was the increase in collisions observed after dark relative to the number expected with increasing age of the driver.

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B 18931 (In: B 18906 [electronic version only]) /83.2/ IRRD 256326

In: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine AAAM, Rochester, New York, October 7-9, 1980, p. 298-307, 5 tab., 5 ref.

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