Risk-homeostatic processes in car-following behaviour : individual differences in car-following and perceived risk.

Heino, A. Molen, H.H. van der & Wilde, G.J.S.

This report presents the results of a controlled car driving experiment on differences in both driving style, and in risk perception between "sensation seekers" and "sensation avoiders". All subjects (n=42) drove two sections on a highway: from Haren to Assen and vice versa. From Haren to Assen, the subjects followed an experimental car at both a distance chosen by the subjects, and at a set distance of 15 meters. The following distance and heart rate variability were measured during both conditions. The subjects gave verbal ratings indicating their perceived risk associated with the following tasks. From Assen to Haren, the subjects followed the experimental car at five different following distances. following distances. The subjects gave verbal ratings of their perceived risk during the five following conditions. The subjects were also instructed to rate nine photographs. The results of the driving task form Haren to Assen show that "sensation seekers" and "sensation avoiders" differ systematically from each other regarding their preferred following distance. The results of the driving task from Assen to Haren and the photo task are: (1) The verbal rating is a reliable measure of perceived risk; and (2) the verbal ratings are more sensitive at shorter following distances.

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C 3240 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 869798

Haren, University of Groningen RUG, Traffic Research Centre VSC, 1992, 74 p., 48 ref.; VK 92-02 - ISBN 90-6807-244-7

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