The risky and protective motorcycling opinions and behaviours of young on-road motorcyclists in New Zealand.

Reeder, A.I. Chalmers, D.J. & Langley, J.D.

This research documented the frequency of protective and risky motorcycling opinions and behaviours and investigated whether these opinions and behaviours were more frequently expressed by licensed than unlicensed riders and by riders with high rather than low exposure to motorcycling. Areas where there was scope for improvement were identified to help guide the promotion of protective strategies. As part of a broader study of a birth cohort, 217 eighteen year old motorcyclists were administred a motorcycling computer questionnaire. Evidence of positive protective opinions was found, but there was considerable scope for behavioural improvements.

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961324 ST [electronic version only]

Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 42 (1996), No. 9 (May), p. 1297-1311, 49 ref.

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