Risky driving and driving/riding decisions : the role of previous experience.

Finken, L.L. Jacobs, J.E. & Laguna, K.D.

Factors related to risky drinking and driving/riding decisions were explored by presenting vignettes to 135 older adolescents, 17-24 years of age, with vignettes related to drinking and other social behaviours engaged in at a party. Analyses revealed that alcohol-related behaviours, attitudes toward the acceptability of drinking and driving, and previous drinking and driving/riding experiences were all significant predictors of decisions about driving or riding while intoxicated. Indeed, the overall model accounted for 46% of risky drinking and driving/riding decisions. As predicted, older respondents had more previous experiences with driving while intoxicated and riding with intoxicated drivers than did younger respondents, and they reported that drinking and driving was more acceptable among their peers. However, contrary to expectations, there were no differences in the number of risky decisions made by the two age groups or between males and females. The importance of previous experiences is discussed. (A)

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C 19055 [electronic version only] /83 /

Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Vol. 27 (1998), No. 4 (August), p. 493-511, 26 ref.

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