Road accident costs in India.

Kadiyali, L.R. Gopalaswami, T.V. Pathak, U.N. et. al.

In view of the urgent data gap in India on accident costs, the Central Road Research Institute took up a limited investigation into this subject as a part of the road user cost study. The paper presents the results. As a consequence of an enormous increase of the road accident rate in India, a huge economic loss is caused. Apart from these tangible costs intangible costs are also caused. An accurate understanding of the monetary costs helps transportation planners and economists to account for this, while undertaking an economic appraisal of highways schemes.

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B 26336 /80 / IRRD 275850

New Delhi, Central Road Research Institute, 1983, 32 p., graph., tab., 24 ref. Road Research Papers, No. 200.

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