The road ahead : motorcycle and scooter safety summit, held in Canberra, 10-11 April 2008.

The Motorcycle Safety Consultative Committee MSCC

The Motorcycle Safety Consultative Committee (MSCC), a national forum for consultation between the Australian Government and other stakeholders in motorcycle safety, convened a motorcycle and scooter safety summit to encourage stakeholders to contribute ideas to improve rider safety. The objectives of the summit were to explore key motorcycle and scooter safety issues and identify the scope for improving existing safety measures and developing new measures. The summit was expected to provide input to the development of a post-2010 national road safety strategy based on practical, evidence-based recommendations for actions to improve motorcycle and scooter safety. (Author/publisher)

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20090438 ST [electronic version only]

Canberra, ACT, Australian Government, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, 2008, IV + 36 p.; INFRA-08439

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