The road and traffic environmental impact valuation with geographic information system applications and the optimal room layout selection.

Lipar, P.

In this paper we present one of many possible ways of using Geographic Information Systems for assessment of the road and traffic impacts on the environment. Each larger intervention in the environment has to be co-ordinated by all users. Using GIS we can store data of the following factors, prepared by the experts: fauna, flora, soil, water, climate, landscape, natural and cultural environment, developmental surfaces, population density and any quantity of other data. When the data is entered, the estimation of area vulnerability is made, taking in consideration available information on the particular area and importance of different phenomena of the area. (A)

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C 13063 (In: C 13012 CD-ROM) /15 / IRRD 896929

In: Proceedings of the 13th International Road Federation IRF World Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 16 to 20, 1997, p.-

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