On-road assessment methodology and reference road test. AGILE (AGed people Integration, mobility, safety and quality of Life Enhancement through driving) Deliverable D4.3

Sommer, S.M. Arno, P. Strypsten, M. Eeckhout, G. & Rothermel, S.

The project AGILE is developing a new set of driving competence assessment and support tools for older drivers. This deliverable presents two intermediate objectives of the project. The first part describes the methodology of a new practical on-road driving assessment tool to evaluate older drivers’ actual driving competence in a realistic setting. In the second part of this deliverable, an established on-road fitness-to-drive test is introduced and developed further in order to develop a practical driving test with which the reliability and the validity of the new AGILE system can be analysed during the pilot tests. This document is based on two internal reports: • Development of a on-road assessment test • Reference driving test. The deliverable includes both internal reports with elaborated and revised content. The two different driving test methodologies are presented as independent chapters. Aim and objectives of the two on-the-road testing schemes are introduced and summarised in a preceding executive summary. (Author/publisher)

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20091701 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels, European Commission], 2003, IV + 70 p., 17 ref.; AGILE_D.4.3 / QLRT-2001-00118

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