Road assignment. III Comparative tests of stochastic methods.

Vliet, D. van.

A family of algorithms for assigning trips onto a road network is developed based on stochastic models of route choice which explicitly allow non minimum cost routes to be used. Several alternative formulations are identified and compared both from a theoretical point of view and by a series of tests on a representative London network. As a result of these a "best" choice is given.

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1 + 0 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 11355 T /71/ IRRD 221385

Transportation Research, Vol. 10 (1976), No. 3 (June), p. 151-157, 2 fig., 3 graph., 2 tab., 10 ref.

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