Road casualties Scotland 2007.


This publication presents statistics of the numbers of injury road accidents (i.e. road accidents in which one or more people are injured or killed) in Scotland that were reported by the police using the Stats 19 statistical returns (see Annex B). Each accident is classified according to the severity of the injury to the most seriously injured person involved in the accident. Very few, if any, fatal accidents do not become known to the police. However, there could be many non-fatal injury accidents that are not reported by the public to the police, and are therefore not counted in these statistics because the police can only include in their returns details of the accidents of which they are aware. The Contents page lists the different parts of this publication, which include: • Summary - shows the main trends in the reported numbers of road accidents and casualties in recent years; • Commentary - includes descriptions of the trends in the reported numbers of road accidents and casualties, more detailed analyses (of the numbers of accidents, of the statistics about motorists, and of the numbers of casualties) and comparisons of the Scottish figures with some other countries' numbers; • Casualty Reduction Targets for 2010 - describes progress towards the casualty reduction targets for 2010; • Contributory Factors - sets out the main results of the Contributory Factors, which were added to the Stats 19 specification at the start of 2005; • Comparison of the police Stats 19 road casualty figures with some other figures for Scotland - compares the Stats 19 figures with the numbers of registered deaths and emergency hospital admissions due to road accidents, and provides some other relevant information; and • Statistical Tables - contains all the detailed tables, many of which are illustrated by charts. There are also several Annexes, an Index, and information about Scottish Government Road Safety Research reports, Transport Statistics publications, the Transport Statistics Users’ Group, the Transport Statistics Web site, and the Scottish Government Statistician Group. The rest of this Introduction consists of sections on: 1. the status of the statistics; 2. the years covered in the tables; 3. road accident casualty reduction targets for the year 2010: comparisons with the annual averages for 1994-98; 4. estimates of the total volume of road traffic; and 5. changes which were made for this edition Road Casualties Scotland is one of a series of Transport Statistics publications, most of which focus on particular aspects of transport and cover them in depth. These can be found at (Author/publisher) This report may be accessed by Internet users at

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20090426 ST [electronic version only]

Edinburgh, Scottish Government, Transport Statistics branch, 2009, 241 p.; A National Statistics Publication for Scotland - ISBN 978-07559-7240-1

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