On-road cycling in the City of Yarra.

Smithers, R.

The City of Yarra has some of the highest rates of cycling in Australia. This paper will cover the philosophy behind Council's commitment to cycling, the strategic basis for developing its cycling network, its planning approach including community consultation, innovative designs and treatments used to deliver facilities that offer a high level of service to cyclists and the results of regular bicycle counting. It will detail approaches and designs that have worked well, those that have not and key learnings from these. The paper will also cover Council policies and programs aimed at encouraging cycling by Council staff to work and for work purposes including bicycle training, purchase of Council bikes and support of the Yarra Staff Bicycle Users Group. The paper will demonstrate changes that have been made to deliver sustainable transport. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214755.

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C 39628 (In: C 39622 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E214761

In: Delivering sustainable transport : “it’s got legs” : conference papers 2006 AITPM National Conference, Hotel Sofitel, Melbourne, 3-4 August 2006, p. 95-119, 3 ref.

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