On-road evaluations of a regulated hours regime and an alternative compliance regime : demonstration project for fatigue management programs in the road transport industry.

Williamson, A. Feyer, A.-M. Friswell, R. & Finlay-Brown, S.

This is the third report in a series looking at the development of better models of work-rest schedules that have demonstrated effectiveness for managing fatigue in order to support the development of alternative compliance approaches to the regulation of working hours. This report describes evaluations of two work-rest schedules; one of a work-rest regime conducted under the current working hours regulations and the other of the first pilot Fatigue Management Programme allowed under the Queensland Department of Transport alternative compliance programme. This alternative work-rest schedule differed from the regulated regime in that it allowed longer periods of active work without rest (six hours instead of five hours) and allowed the mandatory six hours of continuous rest to be taken in two parts instead of one. The results of the regulated hours evaluation showed small increases in fatigue and performance deterioration over the selected period of work, but comparison with alcohol-equivalent standards suggested that these increases were warning signs rather than major consequences for safety. The results of the alternative work-rest schedule indicated that the balance between work and rest was not entirely compatible with effective fatigue management. Some suggestions were made about how the work-rest schedule might be improved to overcome its problems. (A)

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C 21291 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E204280

Civic Square, ACT, Australian Transport Safety Bureau ATSB, 2000, V + 117 p., 6 ref.; Road Safety Research Report ; CR 191 - ISSN 0810-770X / ISBN 0-642-25579-2

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