Road fatalities involving male pedestrians aged 15 to 54 fatalities.


Pedestrians comprise about one in every seven fatalities on Australian roads. Of 1,444 pedestrian fatalities throughout Australia between 1998 and 2002, 553 (38 per cent) were males aged 15 to 54 and 449 (31 per cent) were males and females aged 65+. Each of these contributions was well above what would be expected on the basis of population share. As a result, this monograph focuses on fatalities among male pedestrians aged between 15 and 54 years and not the much smaller number of female fatalities. This monograph is intended to complement ATSB Monograph 13 (See C 25786 fo), which provides an overview of fatalities among elderly pedestrians. (Author/publisher)

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C 25787 [electronic version only]

Civic Square, ACT, Australian Transport Safety Bureau ATSB, 2003, 4 p.; Monograph 14 - ISSN 1444-3503

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