Road financing and inter-urban charging in the United Kingdom.

Jenkinson, M.

This paper briefly summarises the current track (taxation) revenue system in Britain and outlines the proposals, underlying principles and options for direct motorway charging in the UK. It examines the possible bases and key characteristics of introducing direct user charging systems and comments upon technological issues of implementation arising from the Government's stated preference for electronic direct charging. The paper further examines the opportunity, involvement and risk transfer arising from private sector financing under the two main types of private sector concession postulated in the Green Paper "Paying for Better Motorways" (see IRRD 858491); namely, the design-build-finance-operate ("DFBO") arrangement, and the franchise arrangement where the private sector could take on full responsibility for network planning, as well as promotion of highway schemes, Public Inquiries and traffic management. Reference is made to international experience on inter-urban charging and to the European Community's road financing and charging policy. (A)

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C 5482 (In: C 5479) /10 / IRRD 863259

In: Proceedings of the 1994 International Road Federation IRF Conference and Exposition "Roads to the 21st century : a key to competitiveness", Calgary, Alberta, July 3-7, 1994, Volume 8, p. A47-A73, 12 ref.

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