On the road to the future : 12th REAAA conference, Philippines, 2006 technical papers, Philippine International Convention Center (PICC), Manila, November 20-24, 2006.


The 12th Conference of the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA) is held in Manila, Philippines, on November 20-24, 2006. The conference is being jointly sponsored by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), the Road Engineering Association of the Philippines (REAP) and the REAAA Philippine Chapter. The Conference provides a forum for all those involved in road operation, management and administration in the region to share knowledge and experiences and build on current professional networks or establish new networks. A key element of the Conference is a series of technical sessions where speakers from all over the region will have the opportunity to present the results of current research projects, details of recent projects of interest and experiences gained from the application of research findings and the implementation of civil engineering facilities. For the records of the papers (or relevant papers) presented, please see C 46559 - C 46644 (ITRD E214838 to E214890, E214939 to E214943, E214947, E214960 to E214967, E214969 to E214970, E214972, E214978 to E214980, E214985 to E214991 and E214997 to E215004.

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C 46558 CD-ROM /22 /72 /31 /10 /73 /61 /71 /15 /23 /24 /42 /32 /82 /85 /21 /26 /83 /35 /81 /54 /25 / ITRD E214938

Manila, Road Engineering Association of the Philippines (REAP), 2006, 1 CD-ROM

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