Road handling behaviour of tractor semitrailer equipped with fifth wheels antijackknife devices.

Bourassa, P. Maillette, L. & Bbrezina, M.M.

A nonlinear simulation technique for understeer and oversteer tractor and trailer parameters is presented and viewed as a very useful tool for stable and unstable vehicle behaviour with respect to specific manoeuvres such as step steering, gradual braking and antijackknife device which provide retarding yaw couples, it may be used to assess various strategies of raking and steering when coping with slowly increasing diverging motion.

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B 26853 (In: B 26851) /91 / IRRD 813893

In: The dynamics of vehicles on roads and tracks : proceedings of the 10th IAVSD symposium held at Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 24-28 1987, p. 57-60, 6 Ref.

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