Road markings in Europe : requirements for increased road safety.

Zeplin, W.P.

The European Commission has proposed a programme to harmonise the geometries of horizontal traffic signs in all EU member states. As a first stage, the International Road Federation (IRF) was commissioned to study and record the existing sign geometries. The second stage will investigate what harmonisation measures, if any, are desirable and feasible for achieving uniform regulations. This paper presents the findings of the study of existing geometries in twelve EU countries, and includes tables relating to line length, line width, and gap. Using Germany as an example, it specifies and discusses quality requirements, test requirements, and test methods. Poor road condition and poor road markings were found to be common, indicating public authorities' lack of initiative to comply with statutory road safety responsibilities. In Germany, tests are conducted, mainly in laboratory conditions, in the turntable testing station run by the Federal Roads Agency. The IRF calls for a unified EU test for all materials, followed by a probationary period on EU roads. It has drawn up a safety programme, with seven main topics and seven principles, and challenges EU politicians, public authorities, and industry to realise this programme, by achieving safety through quality and quality through responsibility.

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C 15964 (In: C 15959) /85 / ITRD E105357

In: Global highways in the 21 century, p. 140-145, 4 ref.

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