Road network size related to city site : empirical findings.

Bovy, P.H.L. & Jansen, G.R.M.

Relationships are established between city site andnumbers of network elementa, i.eo intersections, Streetsections and regionsa City population and road networklangtb are taken as city site variableso A completesurvey in six towns bas been carried out in order toobtain figures on the numbers of intersections by dagree,straat sections and regions. Gity population and rondnetwork langtb have strong linear relationships withthe three network variableso

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B 5580 /71 /72 /

Delft, Delft University of Technology, Institute for Town Planning Research, 1974, 27 p. + app., ref.; Memorandum No. RAV/2/74.4

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