Road pavement condition and traffic safety : some results and conclusions from the Nordic Project Traffic Safety and Road Surface Properties TOVE.

Schandersson, R.

The TOVE project attempted to shed some light upon the obscure picture of how pavement surface conditions influence traffic safety. Besides a literature study several different aspects of the problem were treated. Increased knowledge of the relationship between pavement condition (ruts, roughness, unevenness, friction etc.) and accident rate was the main reason for the project. Researchers from four Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, took part in the project, which was financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers. This paper concentrates on the results obtained in the Swedish subproject (7) of TOVE. Results from the other subprojects are briefly mentioned in the discussion of results as are some relevant findings in other studies. (A). This paper was presented at the conference I Konferencja Bezpieczenstwa Ruchu Drogowego, held in Rynia, Poland, 26-28 October, 1994.

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In: I konferencja bezpieczenstwa ruchu drogowego : wplyw drogi i jej otoczenia na bezpieczenstwo ruch drogowego, 26-28 pazdziernika 1994, p. 31-38, 18 ref.

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