Road pricing : the public viewpoint.

Jones, P.M.

This chapter examines some of the evidence from different countries regarding public attitudes to traffic related problems, what people feel should be done about them and how pricing solutions are perceived. The evidence is based on national surveys of public attitudes or is taken from surveys in specific urban areas. The surveys were carried out in the UK, Europe, Japan and California. Attitudes towards different road pricing systems are considered in detail and suggestions made for making road pricing more acceptable. It is concluded that road pricing will only be acceptable as a package with transport and environmental improvements. Drivers must be seen to be getting something for their money and charges recovered in a way that is perceived to be equitable.

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C 15299 (In: C 15290) /72 / IRRD 869554

In: Road pricing : theory, empirical assessment and policy, p. 159-179, 22 ref.

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