Road research in Canada.

Campbell, G.D.

This paper describes the relationship between road research in Canada and the administration of road systems, the agencies conducting research, the areas of research co-operation and the method of correlating research. During 1966, 366 individual road research projects involving 78 agencies were documented by the research correlation Committee of the Canadian Good Roads Association, As this inventory of road research in Canada is known to be incomplete, a continuing effort is being made to include all other work as well as to up-date current records. Current annual expenditure for road research in Canada are estimated at $2.4 million, which is less than two-tenths of one per cent of the $1.5. billion spent on road construction maintenance and administration in 1966. The rate of expenditure for road research in Canada ills at least 50 per docent less than the rate in the united states. The ten provincial highway departments are the most active and productive road research organizations in Canada. The summaries of current research as well as summaries of all significant Canadian publications related to roads and road transportation are made available by CGRA to technologists in other nationals through the HRB's Highway Research Information Service (HRIS), the International Road Research Information Service (HRIS), the International Road Research Documentation (IRRD) program of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the world survey of road research and development and the world survey of road research and development lf the International Road Federation. The information on work in other countries received in return for the data contributed by CGRA is invaluable. The need for further international co-operation in road research and documentation is recognized. A trend toward more research in planning and administrative methodology, particularly in relationship to urban roads, is noted whirled there appears to be no decrease in the amount of physical research nor in its importance. The paper cites 10 Canadian research subjects which may be of particular interest and value to members.

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Canadian Good Roads Association, January 19, 1967, 18 p.

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