The road to safer behaviour : proceedings of the 70th RoSPA Road Safety Congress, Hilton Metropole Brighton, 28th February - 2nd March 2005.


70th RoSPA Road Safety Congress Theme: Driving Deaths Down Congress Proceedings Hilton Metropole Brighton - 28th February-2 March 2005 Programme: Day One : Monday 28th February 2005 Day Two : Tuesday 1st March 2005 Day Three : Wednesday 2nd March 2005 Monday 28 February 2005 14:00 Chairman's Introduction - John Howard OBE, Chief Executive, RoSPA 14:05 Welcome to Congress - Baroness Gibson of Market Rasen OBE, President of RoSPA 14:10 Britax - Paul Fleming, Managing Director Europe, Britax 14:25 World Report on Traffic Injury Prevention - Dr Margie Peden, WHO 14:50 Car Occupant and Motorcyclists Deaths, 1994-2002 - Dr Jeremy Broughton, TRL 15:15 Coffee 15:45 Modernising Learning and Assessment - Trevor Wedge, DSA 16.15 Pre- Pass Support Scheme - Alan Fisher, Lancashire County Council 16.45 Mega-Drive Update (The First Ten Years) - Penny Thorpe, Gwent Consultancy 17:00 Open Forum 17:15 Close 19:30 Drinks Reception 20:00 Dinner Tuesday 1 March 2005 9:15 Chair's Introduction - Major 'Bill' Bailey, Chair, RoSPA Road Safety Advisory Group 9:20 Driving Deaths Down with Eurorap - Andrew Howard MBE AA Motoring Trust 9.45 Psychological Traffic Calming - Dr Janet Kennedy TRL 10:10 Engineering Guidelines for Motorcycles - Anthony Sharp IHIE 10:35 Open Forum 10:50 Coffee 11:20 Motorcycling : Issues for Central Government - David Padfield, Department for Transport 11:45 "Training can make the problem worse" - Supt Nick Wilkinson, Sussex Police 12:10 Motorcycle collisions in North Yorkshire - ACC David Collins, North Yorkshire Police 12:35 Open Forum 12:45 Lunch 14:00 Chair's Introduction - Chris King, Chair, RoSPA National Road Safety Committee 14:05 In-Vehicle Technology: What Can it Deliver? - Prof Oliver Carsten, University of Leeds 14:30 Telematics and Influencing Driver Behaviour - Julian Beardsworth & Anthony Lovick, Norwich Union 14:55 Safety Culture and Work-Related Road Accidents - Natasha Perry, Bomel Consultants 15:20 Open Forum 15:35 Coffee and Close 18:45 Pills Thrills and Automobiles Theatre in Education Performance - Ape Theatre Company 20:00 Congress Dinner & Awards Presentation Wednesday 2 March 2005 9:15 Chair's Introduction - John Howard OBE, Chief Executive, RoSPA 9:20 Ministerial Address - David Jamieson MP, Minister for Road Safety 9:40 New Technologies, Road Traffic Enforcement and Road Safety - Jonathan Gaventa, PACTS 10:05 Expanding the Role of Safety Cameras - Richard Brunstrom, Chief Constable, North Wales Police and Head, ACPO Road Policing Business Area 10:30 Open Forum 10:40 Coffee 11:05 Drugs and Driving - Steve Collier, National Drug Recognition Training Unit 11:30 Driver Training & Assessment Scheme - Stuart Hallett, Norfolk County Council 11:55 RoSPA Refresher Driver Training Project - Karen Pearson, Active Research 12.20 Open Forum 12:30 Chair's Closing Remarks 12:35 Congress Closes

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Birmingham, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents RoSPA, 2005, Pp.

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