Road Safety 2010 : a framework for saving 2,000 lives by the year 2010 in New South Wales.

Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) of New South Wales

Making roads in New South Wales the safest in the world and saving 2,000 lives by the year 2010 is a challenge, but success will mean a substantial increase in the quality of life for us all. The State Government is committed to ensuring that: • people do all they can to ensure that they, and others, are not needlessly exposed to the risk of death and injury on our roads • lives are not endangered because of excessive speed • offenders who break road laws and endanger the lives of others will be appropriately penalized • the safety of vehicles on NSW roads is equal to the best in the world. Implementing Road Safety 2010 will require close cooperation and consultation between the community and all agencies and organisations involved in road safety. Road Safety 2010 sets out what the challenges are in road safety, what is being done in other leading countries, and many initiatives which will be taken in NSW between now and 2010. It is intended that this plan will encourage informed debate enabling us all to have a much better understanding of future directions in road safety, and a stronger commitment to improving the progress of NSW towards having the safest roads in the world. (Author/publisher)

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20111938 ST [electronic version only]

Haymarket, NSW, Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales RTA, 2011, 13 p.

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